Child Safety

Three annual inspections are conducted by the State Fire Marshal, Sanitation Department, and Bureau of Child Care (both with the State Department of Health and Senior Services).  The local fire department also inspects the building annually.

Student-to-Teacher Ratio – the maximum student/teacher ratio is 7/1 to 9/1.

Staffing – two teachers are in each classroom according to St. Matthew Lutheran Church’s Child Protection Policy.

Classroom sizes – the number of children assigned to a classroom is based on the size of the classroom. The classrooms have a total of 13 to17 students. 

Background Checks for child abuse and neglect through the Children’s Division and criminal record reviews through the Missouri State Highway Patrol have been conducted on each individual caregiver and all other personnel at the facility.

Disciplinary philosophy and policies of this facility are:

Our goal of discipline is to teach rather than punish.  Every effort will be made to anticipate conflicts and redirect a child to more constructive, appropriate activities.  All discipline shall be reasonable, fair, equally and impartially applied.

The education philosophy and policies of this facility are: 

We believe it is our responsibility to bring the saving grace of God to all people.  Each child is a unique gift of God. A loving Christian environment has been developed to meet a child’s needs for emotional, social, and cognitive growth, as well as his or her physical and spiritual growth.


