The Daily Bite, with Pastor Andrews, is a commentary and reflection on the daily Bible reading recommended in the Faith @ Home Corner. He will regularly point you to Jesus and try to share questions you can ask your children. The goal is for 15-20 minutes. Old episodes can be easily perused here.
The Layman’s Guide to the Lectionary, with Pastor Andrews, is a longer Bible study, aiming for 60 minutes, on the LCMS’ 3 year lectionary--the Old Testament, Epistle, and Gospel texts for the upcoming Sunday. Generally published Wednesday mornings. Old episodes can be easily searched here.
Resources and audio from various Bible studies held at St. Matthew are archived here. The left column below usually represents our Sunday morning Bible study, with the right column showing our Wednesday morning Bible study.
We have recently learned that some people are having difficulties accessing and loading this page and are working on possible solutions. One is to turn class recordings into seperate links that open in new tabs and play the recording there, which would make this page significantly lighter (example can be found in the most recent Jeremiah classes from this December). The other option is to create new pages once a class is finished and archive all the audio for that class on the new page, with a link here (for example, The Book of Genesis and A Survey of Christian Denominations). Please let Pastor Andrews know if there is a strong preference on this.
The Book of Jeremiah cont. - with Pastor Andrews (Fall 2024)
December 22 - Jeremiah 27:1-15
December 15 - no class for annual Voters' Assembly
December 8 - Jeremiah 26:7-24
December 1 - Jeremiah 25:25-26:6
November 24 - Jeremiah 24:12-24
November 17 - Jeremiah 24:8-25:11
November 10 - Jeremiah 23:32-24:7
November 3 - Jeremiah 23:15-31
October 27 - Jeremiah 23:1-14
October 20 - Jeremiah 22:18-30
October 13 - Jeremiah 22:1-17
October 6 - Guest Rev. Harrison Goodman on technology
September 29 - Jeremiah 21:1-14
September 22 - Jeremiah 20:3-18
September 15 - Jeremiah 19:1-20:2
September 8 - Jeremiah 18:7-23
The Acts of the Apostles cont. - with Pastor Andrews (Fall 2024)
December 25 and January 1 - no class with the office closed
December 18 - Acts 21:17-36
December 11 - Acts 20:31-21:16 - audio failed to record properly, sorry!
December 4 - Acts 20:13-30
November 27 - no class for Thanksgiving week
November 20 - Acts 20:1-12
November 13 - Acts 19:21-41
November 6 - Acts 19:11-20
October 30 - Acts 18:23-19:10
October 23 - Acts 18:1-22
October 16 - Acts 17:22-34
October 9 - Acts 17:1-21
October 2 - Acts 16:19-40
September 25 - Acts 16:1-18
September 18 - Acts 15:22-41
September 11 - Acts 15:1-21
September 4 - Reviewing Acts 1-14 after the summer break
The Book of Jeremiah - with Pastor Andrews (Summer 2024)
July 21 - Jeremiah 17:19-18:6
July 14 - Jeremiah 17:1-18
July 7 - no class, Voters' Assembly
June 30 - Jeremiah 16:5-21
June 23 - Jeremiah 15:11-16:4
June 16 - Jeremiah 15:1-10
June 9 - Jeremiah 13:24-14:22
September 1 - The Theology and Practice of the Divine Call - Pastor Otto looks at the theology of the pastoral office
August 25 - The Theology and Practice of the Divine Call - Pastor Andrews discussed practices of churches and pastors in regards to the call process
August 18 - no class; celebrated Pastor Otto's 20th anniversary at St. Matthew
August 11 - Youth present on their time at Higher Things
August 4 - Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic Recap
July 28 - The Lord's Prayer with Pastor Otto
Harrison Butker's Commencement Speech and Backlash - Pastor Andrews - We had a shorter Bible study on this on Sunday available to listen to here. Also, Pastor finished a full conversation on the speech and its themes and has posted that to his podcast here. Additionally, here are the links if you'd like to simply watch or read the speech.
The Book of Jeremiah - with Pastor Andrews (Spring 2024)
The Acts of the Apostles - with Pastor Andrews cont. (Spring 2024)
The Sacraments - with Pastor Otto (Spring 2024)
The Book of Jeremiah - with Pastor Andrews cont. (Winter 2024)
The Acts of the Apostles - with Pastor Andrews cont. (Winter 2024)
The Book of Jeremiah - with Pastor Andrews (Fall 2023)
The Acts of the Apostles - with Pastor Andrews cont. (Fall 2023)
The Acts of the Apostles - with Pastor Andrews cont. (Fall 2023)
Family Discipleship - with Pastor Otto (Fall 2023)
The Acts of the Apostles - with Pastor Andrews (Fall 2023)
September 13 - Acts 1:15-2:4
September 6 - Acts 1:1-14
August 30 - Introduction to the Book of Acts
The Christian Faith (cont.) - with Pastor Otto (Spring 2023)
Wednesday class on hiatus until Fall 2023
The Apocalypse of John - Higher Things Breakout Presentation - Pastor Andrews
Vacation Bible School - The Lord's Prayer - with Pastor Andrews
An Apologetics Overview (cont.) - with Pastor Andrews (Spring 2023)
An Overview of Daniel - with Pastor Andrews (two weeks, Spring 2023)
An Apologetics Overview - with Pastor Andrews (Spring 2023)
The Christian Faith - with Pastor Otto (Spring 2023)
The Book of Daniel (cont.) - with Pastor Andrews (Winter 2022-2023)
February 5, 2023
Missionary Guest - Rev. Joel Fritsche, President of Concordia the Reformer Seminary in the Dominican Republic
Miracles - with Pastor Otto (2022)
The Book of Daniel (cont.) - with Pastor Andrews (Winter 2022-2023)
The Book of Genesis (cont.) - with Pastor Andrews (2021-2022)
The Book of Daniel - with Pastor Andrews (Winter 2022-2023)
The Book of Genesis (cont.) - with Pastor Andrews (2021-2022)
The Epistle of James - with Pastor Andrews (Fall 2022)
October 19 - James 5:7-20
October 12 - James 4:7-5:6
October 5 - James 3:10-4:6
September 28 - James 2:21-3:9
September 21 - James 2:8-20
September 14 - James 1:19-2:7
September 7 - James 1:1-18
August 31 - An Introduction to James
The Book of Genesis (cont.) - with Pastor Andrews (2021-2022)
The Book of Genesis (cont.) - with Pastor Andrews (2021-2022)
Revelation - with Pastor Andrews (Fall/Winter 2021-2022)
Rev. Demeke Ture, African Prison Ministries, Nov. 7
See our World mission page.
Apologetics: Science, Oct. 27
The Book of Genesis - with Pastor Andrews (2021-2022)
Jude - with Pastor Andrews (Fall 2021, Wednesday mornings)
2 Peter - with Pastor Andrews (Fall 2021, Wednesday mornings)
Wilderness Wanderings - with Pastor Otto (summer 2021)
Missionary Presentation - Nathan & Heather Pittman - May 23, 2021
The Gospel According to Matthew - with Pastor Andrews (2020-2021)
March 15, 2020 - Pastor Otto's one-week class on Job -
Every One His Witness - three weeks with Pastor Andrews, then three weeks with Pastor Otto
November 3 - Guest, Rev. Lee Hagan, Missouri District President - What does our District do? Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player
The Christian Life - with Pastor Otto (Fall 2019)
Learning about Worship - with Pastor Otto (Summer 2019)
The Gospel according to John - with Pastor Otto (Spring 2019)
Pastor Andrews - Tell the Next Generation Conference, March 9 - "Models and Tools for Passing Down the Faith to Our Children"
Worldstory - with Pastor Andrews (Fall 2018 and Winter into 2019)
January 13, 2019 - Tanzania with Laura Carson
December 30, 2018 - Appearances of Angels in Holy Scripture - Pastor Otto
Mission Festival, October 13, 2018
Colossians - with Pastor Otto (2018)
Philippians - with Pastor Otto (2018)
June 19, 2018 - Pastor Andrews guest taught on Crucial Conversations again, this time on the topic of baptism - Click here for YouTube
May 6, 2018 - Pastor Andrews shared "Living with a Telos," his presentation at the April Marriage and Family Conference @ Trinity Lutheran Church in Cole Camp, MO.
May 1, 2018 - Pastor Andrews guest taught on Crucial Conversations: Teaching You to Think Like a Confessor - Click here for YouTube
Apologetics: Is the Bible Really True? - with Pastor Andrews (2018)
A Surveying of Christian Denominations - with Pastor Andrews (2018)